目前分類:Feminism (387)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2022-06-25 置頂 Harriet Lerner / Robin Norwood (5) (0)
2022-05-28 置頂 bell hooks (11) (0)
2022-05-28 置頂 Loving (16) (0)
2022-12-30 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - Chap 6: 家暴、賣淫與強暴,21世紀最該正視的議題 (7) (0)
2022-12-29 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - Chap 5: 曖昧不清的仰慕關係 : 從師生戀、性騷擾看權力控制 (6) (0)
2022-12-28 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - Chap 4: 性慾是本能?妳喜歡什麼,都在政治與社會的控制中 (2) (0)
2022-12-28 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - Chap 3: 所有女人都是瘟疫,必須隔離起來 (7) (0)
2022-12-27 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - Chap 2: A片讓男人以為,女人說「不」時,你要當成「好」 (12) (0)
2022-12-27 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - Chap 1: 如果妳沒有反抗,我就當作妳同意 (1) (0)
2022-12-27 [性的正義] Amia Srinivasan - 前言 (1) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 18: 關於治療,以及給治療師的建議 (0) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 17: 當非理性行為走向極端 (0) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 16: 壓力與言語暴力 (2) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 13: 從傷害中復原 (0) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 12: 利用回應影響施暴者 (0) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 11: 認識言語暴力,尋求改變 (0) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 10: 溫水煮青蛙 (0) (0)
2022-09-30 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 9: 虐待性的憤怒 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 8: 言語暴力的特徵與類型 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 7: 受害者的內心感受 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 6: 支配權力 : 施暴者與虐待關係 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 5: 個人權力 - 相互理解與支持 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 4: 言語暴力的兩種現實 : 支配權力與個人權力 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 3: 為什麼難以辨識言語暴力 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 2: 言語暴力的影響 (0) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - Chap 1: 檢視自己的經歷 (1) (0)
2022-09-29 [The Verbally Abusive Relationship 言語暴力] Patricia Evans - 序 (0) (0)
2022-09-21 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 12: 自我保護 (1) (0)
2022-09-21 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 10: 難堪的結束 (1) (0)
2022-09-21 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 9: 只有妳 (2) (0)
2022-09-21 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 8: 逃避妳偵察的眼光 (0) (0)
2022-09-20 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 7: 「一切都很好」只是假象 (0) (0)
2022-09-20 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 6: 不實的承諾 (2) (0)
2022-09-20 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 5: 在床上說謊 (3) (0)
2022-09-20 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 4: 戴上面具的人 (0) (0)
2022-09-20 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 2: 男人、女人和謊言 (0) (0)
2022-09-19 [101 Lies Men Tell Women and Why Women Believe Them 男人為什麼說謊] Dory Holland - Chap 1: 女人為何要相信 (1) (0)
2022-09-10 [教我如何原諒你?(How Can I Forgive You?)] Janis Abrahms Spring - 必須知道的事 (0) (0)
2022-09-10 [女人都應該知道的男人祕密] Barbara De Angelis - Chap 3: 填補情感的空白 (1) (0)
2022-09-09 [女人都應該知道的男人祕密] Barbara De Angelis - Chap 2: 女人對男人所犯的六大錯誤 (6) (0)
2022-09-09 [女人都應該知道的男人祕密] Barbara De Angelis - Chap 1: 男人 - 最後的邊疆 (3) (0)
2022-07-23 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 11: 年過30的沮喪 (3) (0)
2022-07-23 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 10: 危機階段 - 社會性的無能 (3) (0)
2022-07-22 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 9: 沙文主義 (2) (0)
2022-07-22 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 8: 自戀症 (2) (0)
2022-07-21 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 7: 性角色衝突 (2) (0)
2022-07-20 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 6: 孤獨 (0) (0)
2022-07-18 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 5: 焦慮 (0) (0)
2022-07-17 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 4: 無責任感 (11) (0)
2022-07-17 [長不大的男人] Dan Kiley - Chap 3: 小飛俠併發症者 : 概論 (0) (0)