==== Getting Start ====
Selecting the DOM
- DOM Access
- select (STR)
- selectAll (STR)
- STR CSS selectors
- Chain action methods
* not zero index, start from 1
Controlling HTML within selection
- text() : modify text
- html() : modify html
- append() : appends elements
- insert() : inserts elements
- if not defining anything, append
- define location
- remove() : deletes elements
Modifying attributes through CSS
- style() : CSS style
- classed() : toggle classes
- attr() : any attribute
- property() : any property
Binding data to the DOM
- data() : joins data
- Callback access
- Index available
Creating subselections
- enter()
- Sub-selections
- exit()
==== Understanding SVG Graphics ====
Drawing with SVG
- HTML : shapes lacking
- XML format
- Style through CSS
- Easy to create
- Scriptable
Understanding SVG primitives
- <svg> tag
- <line /> : self finish
- Use style declarations
- rect, circle, line, text, polyline
- g : creates groups
- xlink:href : create instance
Create SVGs
- Target DOM
- append()
- attr(), style(), etc
Create a simple SVG bar chart
==== Using D3 Methods ====
Adding a linear scale
- scaleLinear() : fit the range
- domain()
- range()
- Stats : min(), max(), etc
Using Ordinal Scales : ordinal scales
- scaleBand()
- padding(), paddingInner(), paddingOuter()
- bandwidth()
Creating meaningful color scales
Adding events
- on (EVT) handler
- mouseout, mouseover, etc
* Be careful of the location of tempColor Assignment
Using transitions and animations : API.md#transitions-d3-transition
- transition() : sets up
- duration() : control speed
- delay() : add time
Adding a tooltip :
==== Using Data ====
Using external data
- d3 AJAX
- .csv, html, .json, .text, tsv, .xml
- Handle with callback()
- http://openweathermap.org
- http://jsoneditoronline.org --> Use to see the data hierarchy
Using meaningful colors
Adding a simple guide : API.md#axes-d3-axis
- Regular scales
- axisTop, axisRight, axisBottom, axisLeft
- Tick methods
- Group elements
1. Create Axis Elements
2. Add one group for the original graph
3. Append another chart as axis
Create margins
Margin Convention / D3 / Observable (observablehq.com)
Adding a time-based guide
- scaleTime()
- Date based domain
- Special ticks
- Group elements
- Mar 21 Sun 2021 16:09