The powerpoint mistake almost everyone makes, so you need to ...
- be proactive with his slides and position each slide
- wait for the audiences start to eye-contact to you
- don't forget plan and practice your slides
Getting an Audience to Remember Your Presentation
- Try to affect the explict memory of your audience
1 Follow the right sequence
- tell people what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them
2. Draw connections
3. Make the audience work
Presenting to Management? Be Prepared for the Tough Questions.
1. Take your time : Pause to consider your first words.
2. Have an abundance mindset
3. Provide the bottom line first
- "I don’t have all the data to answer your question and will get back to you by X time/date."
- "We are at risk of underachieving our target. The variance is higher than we feared. We’re working on the exact number."
- "We’re taking this very seriously and have already started examining our process and communications to ensure we’re in better shape before next quarter. We will come back to you with recommendations. In the meantime, our immediate focus is first on finding ways to address the shortfall."
4. Adhere to a word diet : In charged meetings, be up front but say less.
What to Do When You're Losing Your Audience During a Presentation
1. move to a different part of the stage
2. speed up — or slow down — the pace of your remarks.
3. Lowering your voice or pausing
4. introducing a story or analogy that illustrates your point.
Advanced Presentation & Storytelling
1. Adapt Your Message Prior to Presenting:
- Consider the time, place, occasion, size of the audience, and overall context in which the speech will be presented.
- Do your best to avoid obstacles to understanding such as language expressions, cultural perceptions, and jargon.
- You might have to set aside your own attitudes, values, and beliefs in order to temporarily adopt the viewpoint of your audience.
2. Adapt During the Presentation:
- When presenting face-to-face, observe non-verbal cues or reactions such as looks of confusion or expressions of agreement or disagreement and adjust accordingly.
- Guide the audience to ask questions by simply pausing between points or politely asking to hold all questions until the end.
- Anticipate tough questions and plan for them as you prepare your presentation.
3. Structure Your Presentation to Keep the Audience Engaged:
- Define the beginning, the middle and the end of your presentation:
a. Beginning – Baseline, current reality.
b. Middle - Reveals what could be vs what is now.
c. End Concrete sense of what could be.
- Use two distinct turning points to guide your audience:
a. Call to Adventure - Introduces what could be.
b. Call to Action - Required steps to move from what is to what could be.
- Interact with the audience from the start – make a connection.
- Match your tone of voice to the setting.
- Be purposeful with your movements- avoid standing still or pacing too much.
- Slides should help enhance the message, not be the focal point.
- Feb 11 Thu 2021 22:52
[Presentation] Make an advanced presentation