Course : LINK
Drive changes, on an ongoing basis.
- Reward Innovation
- Leverage techinology in a possible way
- Be Human
Strategy and the pace of change : Industries are unbundling
- Healthy Industry
1. Easy for start-ups to enter the industry
How organizations are unbundling
- Anchors of the Organization
1. Purpose
2. Core competencies
3. Values
How to manage change - forever
- Cycles between de-centralized and centralized organizations to reply changes in the world
- What if change is constant?
- Strategy Agility : About Transformation, not Reorganization
- Set up the process as a life-long journey
The end of the perfect strategy
- Strategic meltdowns are all too common.
- Signs Your Strategy is Failing
1. Missed Opportunities
2. Inability to move quickly
3. Difficulty attracting and retaining talent
4. Workers are unaware of your strategy
5. Wasted time and money on initiatives
6. Competitor beats you in core area
- Continually adapt your organizational strategy
Understand agility
- Become more agile through observation and practice
- Agile process allow teams to quickly learn from their mistakes and adjust
- Agile Organization
1. Base goals on core constituents' needs
2. Collaborate with team members
3. Empower teams to make decisions
4. Test decisions quickly
- Strategy Assessment
1. Does the strategy articulate the needs of the organization's core constituents?
2. Are collaborative groups defined that have to make the strategy successful?
3. Does the strategy state how parts of organization are empowered to implement it?
4. Will the organization know if its strategy is effective?
Organizational culture and agility
1. Understand an organization's established culture
2. Learn if there are multiple cultures and how they var
3. Understand that cultures are difficult to change
- Gauging Your Culture
- What are the five most important ways people can perform successfully in this organization?
Rethink the purpose of the organization
1. Vision : Establish what type of world the organization wants to help come into being
- Make the vision so big it is unattainable
2. Mission : Determine what problems the organization is working to solve
- Make the mission attainable for workers
3. Values : Describe actions workers can take to help the organization reach its strategic goals
- Find purpose
- Stated purpose offers a clear picture of what success looks like
Align activities with strategic goals
- Workers must feel a connection with the organization's strategic goals
1. Every worker must know the organization's strategy.
2. Each team must align with one or more strategic goals.
3. Individual deliverables must be tied to their team goals.
How to embrace a culture of risk
- Most people don't take risks, hold protective positions.
- How to Encourage Risk-Taking
1. Grant permission of workers to take risks
2. Embrace failure
3. Focus on problems to solve and the result - not the process
Model adaptive behavior
- Leaders must be as adaptive as their workers.
- Tests for an Adaptive Leader
1. Do you seek input that challenges your decisions?
2. Do you allow your team to decide how to generate results?
3. If the team fails, do you help team understand why and have them try again?
How to be a digital-first organization
- be digital everywhere
- How to Be Strategically Agile?
1. Think digital first and leverage technology
2. Use data to define goals and track strategies
3. Hire digital natives and upgrade workers' tech skills
4. Use a lean infrastructure
5. Transform your IT department
- Create an Adaptive IT Department
1. Involve IT in strategy development from the start
2. Provide IT with the necessary resources
3. Have your chief information officer also act as the chief innovation officer
Streamline your processes and practices
- Many processes are only tasks of a mission
- How often are old processes eliminated?
- How to streamline Processes?
1. Encourage workers to find processes to streamline
2. Hold Process Hackthons
3. Rotate process innovation around the organization
How organizations can do well, and do good?
- Only considering shareholder value can be strategically limiting
- Workforce = Portfolio of People
- Millennials want to work for organizations with a purpose.
Are you achieving your strategic goals?
- Signs You Are More Strategically Agile
1. You can spot opportunities you may have missed.
2. Organization takes advantage of opportunities - quickly
3. You attract and retain talented workers
4. Workers know the organization's strategy and how they support it.
5. Failing initiatives have been cut loose.
6. You quickly respond to competition.
- Use data to track your achievements
Become the organization of the future
- Characteristics of an Agile Organization
1. Individuals are empowered to make decisions
2. Team band together to solve problems.
3. Managers act as advisers.
How to be agile overtime?
- Beware of strategy development fatigue
- How to Avoid Fatigue?
1. Alternative between incremental and long-term strategy development
2. Update how you measure a strategy's effectiveness
1. Involve new people in your strategy development process
2. Synchronize your strategy on a regular basis
3. Realign individual and team goals with the organization's goals
- Feb 12 Fri 2021 08:06
[Strategic Thinking] Strategic Agility, Be Human