Use background tasking to get more done
- Switchtasking : Trying to perform two things at the same time, never efficient
- Background tasking : When something automatic occurs in the background of an activity
1. Delegation
- Outsourcing : upwork
2. Use a machine
3. Personal opportunities
- audio book
Make the most of meetings
1. Listen, fully focus
2. Take actions, not note
- Write down action items
3. Verify when the meeting ends
4. Encourage a shorter meeting
5. Review and process notes
Participate wisely in social media
1. Understand the purpose
2. Schedule time : Don't jump in and out anytime
3. Curate carefully
4. Post with caution
- Count 10 before you post
5. Schedule your post
- Social Media Aggregators
Follow up on delegated items
1. Establish a reminder tool
2. Schedule reminders
3. Schedule reminders for the day after
4. Check in
Overcome opportunity addiction
- BSOS : Bright shiny object syndrome
1. Know yourself
2. Choose an annual target
3. Celerate successes
4. Say "no" to others
5. Say "no" to yourself
Make sound your productivity ally
- Music : Background tasking
- White noise :
- Silence
Embrace the power of doing nothing
- We are accustomed to constant stimulation
- More creative, Personal reflection, Reduces stress
1. Leave open space in your day
2. Take advantage of opportunities to do nothing
3. Wait 5 minutes
4. Write down your thoughts : about yourself, your career
Implement a closed door, open calendar policy
1. Create a schedule
2. Share your calendar
3. Update expectations
4. Keep your appointment
5. Focus on your appointments
Become tech savvy
1. Play
2. Have a backup
- Physical Backup
- Online Backup
3. There's an app for that
4. Understand GIGO : Garbage In, Garbage Out
5. Google it
The two most important hours of your day
1. Hour 1 : You
- Help you live the kind of life you want
1. Read
2. Exercise
3. Coach
4. Volunteer
2. Hour 2 : Career, Education
- Work on your career
1. Education
2. Find a mentor or coach
3. Special Project
- Feb 11 Thu 2021 07:22
[Time Management] Time Manage Tips III : The most important two hours of your day