Finding the Right Words in a Crisis
- Replace long words with short ones
- If you care about being thought credible and itelligent, do not use complex language where simpler language will do., Thinking, Fast and Slow.
- Find analogies
- Our brains don't ask, "What is it?" They ask, "What is it like?"
- Personalize the crisis
- Observe the rule of three
Good Leadership Is About Communicating "Why"
- Communicatiors often overlook answeringwhy for two key reasons
- They assume explaining what and how is the fastest way to influence their audience.
- They think the answer to why is so self-evident it doesn't need unpacking.
- 3 Strategies
- Ask some good what questions
- What would the state of the human condition be if we did or didn't do this?
- Follow up with because
- We need to improve our process, because ____.
- State alternate perspectives
- Jan 17 Sun 2021 14:24
[Communication] Experts Skills of Communication