Course : Data Visualization

Concept Visualization : Communicating abtract conceptual ideas using visual forms that are more heavily influenced by culture, language, and historical reference.

Three Key Ideas : ETC
  - Examples
    - Icons used by others
  - Time
    - Take some time to create a visual symbol to express your idea
  - Cutural sensitivity
    - Consider different cultures, genders, ages ... etc

Trick to visualizing concept :
  - Need to find a visual to represent an idea, and expand. A metophor for the thing you try to express.
  - Find something to enlighten your idea

The first thing to visualize is try not to visualize.

5 tips for visualizing concepts - Voilà (
  - Use simple shapes
  - Leave out entire ideas
  - Find the essence of an idea
  - Use abstraction
  - Data illusion is OK

Use Abstraction : represent concepts

Concept Visualization is more like an impact, an anchor, not details.
  - It is just a hook in a way, not to explain an idea.

To go beyond the standard
  - Let go : Let your lessons, criticisms in your life go
  - Use your hand : pencil, paper, whiteboard : Sketch very, very fast
    - What to Focus On :
      - Categories
      - Number of variables
      - Relationships
      - Importance
    - Work quickly and embrace the silly ideas
  - Review critically
    - Formatting
      - Will data fit?
      - Are names too long?
      - Does it make sense visually?
    - It's OK to be inspired, but come out something you think first
  - Practice Creativity : Just Do It

Data made insightful, effective & beautiful through visualization | Visual Cinnamon
The keypoint is your data and goal.
Don't think about charts, think about visual graphs.
Things chage
  - Build up the website
  - Speaking with data conference
  - Data Sketches : create more projects 


Truth in Data Storytelling and Visualization
  - Be confident in the data
    - Qualified source? Skeptical eyes
  - Consider the sample size and composition
  - Understand correlation vs. causation
  - Think about scale
  - Creating a Data Story
    - Be a data fiduciary
    - Be skeptical
    - Be responsible and own your truth

Data Visualization in the real world
  - Why Humans Value Physical Objects
    - Perception
    - Physical Embodiment
      - Use you hand to quickly scatch your idea

  - Michelle Rial : Use real things to visualize data
    - Play abound everything, make some arts of itself
    - Allow yourself be free to try

Data Storytelling for Regular Folks
  - Ingredients for a Data Story
    - Labeling
    - Narration
    - Context-setting text
    - Sequencing
  - Needs for "Regular Folk"
    - Language adjustments
    - Explained visuals
    - Clean up (something messing up)
    - Better alignment of visuals and arguments
    - Thoughtful labeling 

  - Neil Halloran
    - Emotions can last for longer.
    - Make things interesting

Historical Visualizations 
   SANDRA RENDGEN – Visualisation strategies, past & future. (


Visualizing Large Data Sets
  - Think about your audience : High Level/Deep Dive


Unicorn in Data Viz : you don't need to be a unicorn
  - Proficient in 
    - Data analytics
    - Communication
      - Synthesize
      - Summarize
      - Report
      - Storytelling
    - Design sense
    - Technical skills

Shirley Wu (

Text Analysis and visualization
  - Use Python :
    - Natural Language Toolkit
    - jupyter
  - Arc Diagram
  - Network Diagram
  - Strip plot
  - Text --> Metrics --> Ideas
    - Manual or Automated
  - Richard Bratch
    - Put meanful words on charts

  - book : Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, maps

Visualization for cause
  - War over Natural Resources : Data
  - Challenges
    - Politicization
    - Objective data
    - Persuation
      - Elaboration Likelihood Model : The nature of persuasion depends on the extent to which the audience digs into the arguments
       kinds of people
        - Neutral : both graphics and tables
        - Hostile :  tables
      - Tips for Data Viz for a Cause
        - Strong arguments using credible data
        - Assume audience is neutral
        - Understand that part of the audience will require more convincing
  - Website : Data for a cause

It's all in the detail : WAR^2T^3
  - Walk Away
  - Rest and Re-focus
    - The KWYs
      - What is the data saying
      - What does the audience need to hear?
  - Tweak Three Things (X, Y, Z)
Andy Kirk : Work
  - Small details improve more
  - Every pixel can provide meaning
  - 3 Key Principles
    - Trust-worthy
    - Accessible
    - Elegant
  - Look and Digest on Every Single Element
  - Book : Data Visualization - A handbook for Data Driven Design

Becoming an Information Deisgner
  - Communication
    - Good Listener
    - Good Writer/Speaker
    - Be Curious
  - Design
  - Statistics and analytics
  - Technical skills

Data Literacy
  - The ability to read, work with, analyze, and argue with data
    - Only 24% managers know how to use data
  - Improve Data Literacy
    - Think differently about data
    - Improve your data analytics skill set

Daily practice
  - Focus on something that interests you
  - Practice a variety of skills
  - Work on a deadline

Amy Cesal : 100 day project

Data Visualization at scale in industry
  - Tips for Making Smart Decision
    - Understand your business
    - Know your audience : higher visualization, fewer data
    - Consider scale
    - Communicate effectively

Concept Visualization : Communicating abstract conceptual ideas using visual forms that are more heavily influenced by culture, language, and historical reference.
  - Communication About
    - Themes
    - Categories
    - Emotions
    - Processes
    - Structures
    - Other conceptual ideas
  - Three Key Ideas
    1. Examples
      - Copy and mimic others' examples with similar ideas
    2. Time
    3. Cultural sensitivity

Francis Gagnon : Link
  - Find a unique sign and capture the concept to expand. Can't be a puzzle.
  - Use the abtraction.
  - Try to find an excellent metaphor
  - Diagram : main to study it, read it
  - The concept of visualization : try to have everything in it, not to study it
    - Just a hook in a way
  - Challenge
    - Sometimes it's ok to go with cliche
    - Visual can't stand alone

Data Visualization Research
  - Useful Junk?
  - Do Less with Your Design
    1. Simplify
    2. Remove visual distraction
    3. Abstract away details
  - Experimental Design Issues
    1. Inadequate sample size
    2. Statistical power
    3. Bias



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