
- Many of working women, who put in long hours for low wages while still doing all the work in the domestic household would have seen the right to stay home as "freedom".
  - Only privileged women had the luxury to imagine working outside the home would actually provide them with an income which would enable them to be economically self-sufficient.
  - Working-class women already knew that the wages they received would not liberate them.
- Class is much more than Marx's definition of relationship to the means of production. Class involved your behavior, your basic assumptions, how you are taught to behave, what you expect from yourself and from others, your concept of a future, how you understand problems and solve them, how you think, feel, act.
- Within the institutionalized race, sex, class social system in our society black females were clearly at the bottom of the economic totem pole.
- Within feminist movement women from privileged-class backgrounds who had never before been involved in leftist freedom fighting learned the concrete politics of class struggle, confronting challenges made by less privileged women, and also learning in the process assertiveness skills and constructive ways to cope with conflict.
  - Despite constructive intervention many privileged white women continued to act as though feminism belonged to them, as though they were in charge.
- Mainstream patriarchy reinforced the idea that the concerns of women from privileged-class groups were the only ones worthy of receiving attention.
  - Feminist reform aimed to gain social equality for women within the existing structure.
  - Privileged women wanted equality with men of their class. Despite sexism among their class they would not have wanted to have the lot of working class men.
- Patriarchy in its highest form is Euro-imperialism on a world scale. If we're Dick's sister and want what he has gotten, then in the end we support that system that he got it all form.
- Instead, all women were encouraged to see the economic gains of affluent females as a positive sign for all women. In actuality, these gains rarely changed the lot of poor and working-class women.
  - At the end of the day class power proved to be more important than feminism.
- No-fault divorce proved to be more economically beneficial to men than women.
- As many black women/women of color saw white women from privileged classes benefiting economically more that other groups from reformist feminist gains, from gender being tacked on to racial affirmative action, it simply reaffirmed their fear that feminism was really about increasing white power.
  - Privileged women, many of whom call themselves feminists, have simply turned aways from the "feminization of poverty".
- Being true to feminist politics, our goals were and are to become economically self-sufficient and to find ways to assist other women in their efforts to better themselves economically.
- Western women have gained class power and greater gender inequality because a global white supremacist patriarchy enslaves and/or subordinates masses of third-world women.
- When women with class power opportunistically use a feminist platform while undermining feminist politics that help keep in place a patriarchal system that will ultimately re-subordinate them, they do not just betray feminism; they betray themselves.
- Returning to a discussion of class, feminist women and men will restore the conditions needed for solidarity. We will then be better able to envision a world where resources are shared and opportunities for personal growth abound for everyone irrespective of their class.


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