What is JavaScript?
- A little script to run interactive changes in CSS and HTLM documents.
How does JavaScript relate to Java? No relation
Navigating the Javascript landscape : EMCAScript
Tools :
- Code text : Atom
- Browsers : Crowme
==== The Basic ====
Browser console : only execute on the fly, not saved in the local file
- ctrl-shift+i
Documents are read by order in HTLM
Add JavaScript in an external file
How to write a good JS
1. JS is Case Sensitive
2. Use camelCase
i. Variables start with lc
ii. Objects and classes start with uc
iii. Constans are all-caps
3. Whitespace Matters (to Humans)
4. End Each Statement with Semicolon
5. Use Comments Liberally
i. //
ii. /* ... */
Variables: The catch-all container of Javascript
- var <var name>;
- Data Type
- Use "+" to concate strings
- Logical Operations
- Array
- Operations
- Length : <array name>.length
- Reverse; : <array name>.reverse()
- Remove the first value : <array name>.shift()
- Add element to the front : <array name>.unshift("<1st>", "<2nd>", ...)
- Remove the last item : <array name>.pop()
- Add elements to the last : <array name>.push("<1st>", "<2nd>", ...)
- Remove elements in the middle : <array name>.splice(pos, n), means specify the pos position, and remove the num after pos
- a = [1, 2, 3, 4] --> a.splice(2, 1) --> a = [1, 2, 4]
- Create a copy from an array : var <new array> = <array name>.slice();
- Search : var result = <array name>.indexOf("<key word>", start index)
- Join : <array name>.join("<connector>")
Functions :
- Initialize function :
- New Types : const and let
- Two ways to declare functions
Arrow function :
- Arrow funciton and normal function will have different scope, if both functions return different values, something wrong
- callback function
- add callback into arguments
- pass a function into a function for local usage
- Conditional switch statement
- switch (expr) {
case <state a>:
case <state b>:
default :
Class :
- Declare an object/declare by constructor
- Classes Array
- Dot and Bracket notation
- Closure :
Constructor :
Use function to declare class itself as a constructor
3 ways to create class
1. class <class name> {
construct (aa, bb, ...) {
this.aa = aa; = bb;
2. const <class name> = {
aa : value_a,
bb : value_b,
3. function <class name> (aa, bb, ...) {
this.aa = aa; = bb;
==== JavaScript and DOM ====
document.body : the whole body
- document.body.innerHTML : the content
DOM : The document object model
Target elements in the DOM
- DOM Properties/Methods
CSS Query : name/class
- document.querySelector(".masthead") : For the first selector
- document.querySelector(".menu .has-children a")
- document.querySelectorAll("a") : For all selectors
- document.querySelectorAll(".social-nav a[href*=''])
- document.querySelector("main li:last-child")
- document.querySelector("main li")
- document.querySelectorAll("main li").forEach(item => = "red");
- document.querySelectorAll("main li:last-child").forEach(item => = "grey");
Access and change elements
- document.querySelector(".main-title").innerHTML
- document.querySelector(".main-title").outerHTML
- document.querySelector("#showcase").id = "slideshow"
- Class
- document.querySelector(".masthead")
- document.querySelector(".masthead").className
- document.querySelector(".masthead").classList
Access and change classes : for read only elements
- add
- Find elements : Old, use querySelector(All) is better
- Use document.getElementByClassName
- Use document.getElementByID
** Shouldn't use className property in framework to avoid unexpected problems
Modifying element classes
- document.querySelector().className
** classList is much better instead of className
- document.querySelector().classList
- add/remove/toggle/replace/
- document.querySelector().attributes
- document.querySelector().hasAttribute() : to check attribute exists or not
- document.querySelector().getAttribute() :
- document.querySelector().setAttribute() :
- to add value to an attribute
- to add a new attribute
- document.querySelector().removeAttribute() :
Inline Style :
Add DOM elements
** Create a new article appended to main, not replace the original one (05_09)
- document.createElement()
- Create HTLM element like "<a></a>", if document.createElement("a")
- ParentNode.append()
When we use JavaScript to create backpack element, the main content will be replaced. So add the backpack inside the main content, after the article, page-header.
- Element.insertAdjacetElement()
Exercise : Add Menu decorated by CSS
- list-style-type : head symbol
- margin : outer distance to the frame, link
- padding : inner distance to the fram, link
- display : display behavior, link
- justify-content : alignment, link
- color : link
==== Sidebar: Variables and Data Types ====
- Containers for everything
==== Events ====
Event Listener :
- target.addEventListener(target, callback, [, options])
this (09_05), call back function :
Pass arguments through event listeners : Pass arguments into callback function
- 09_06, common pattern
Loop :
Map : Used to create a new array
- Use "source"
- F9 step