




- It was also evident that male homosexuality was much more widely accepted than lesbianism.
- Nothing has damaged this spirit of loving kindness and tolerance in black life more than the absolute embrace of patriarchal thinking.
- The same black macho men who attacked Bladwin by calling him Martin Luther Queen attacked King's message of love, tolerance, and forgiveness. Despite their useful critiques of racism and white supremacy, these black power advocates ushered in a wave of militant resistance which validated violence, which encouraged black people to sit in judgement of one another, to turn against one another and see one another as enemies.
- Audre Lorde, <<SIster Outsider>> : "The Black Lesbian has come under increasing attack from both Black men and heterosexual Black women. In the same way that the existence of the self-defined Black woman is no threat to self-defined Black man, the Black lesbian is an emotional threat only to those Black women whose feelings of kinship and love for other Black women are problematic in some way. For so long, we have been encouraged to view each other with suspicion, as eternal competitors, or as the visible face of our self-rejection."
- Loving blackness means that we love all of who we are, and that includes gay black people.
- Decolonized gay black people are doing the work of self-love. Black heterosexuals must be held accountable for homophobia and do the work of challenge and change.
  - In a world where popular music like rap and house reinforces homophobia, this is not an easy task.
- Homophobic hatred of gay people encourages heterosexuals to feel they have the right to determine the legitimacy of any person's sexual identification.
- Judging one another as traitors based on sexual preferences has been the easiest way to discount and dismiss the work of black people who have given or give their all to the black liberation struggle.
- Clearly, black women were judged by a different standard.
- June Jordan, <<Where is the Love>> : "When I speak of Black feminism I am not speaking of heterosexuality or lesbianism or homosexuality or bisexuality; whatever sexuality anyone elects for his or her pursuit is not my business, nor the business of the state. And furthermore, I cannot be persuaded that one kind of sexuality, as against another, will necessarily provide for the greater happiness of the two people involved. I am not talking about sexuality, I am talking about love; about a steady-state deep caring and respect for every other human being, a love that can only derive from a secure and positive self-love."
  - Paradoxically, the foundation of the love Jordan describes can only be present in black life if we respect everyone's sexuality.
- Rejecting others because one does not approve of their sexual preference is wrong-minded and downright cruel.
- Gay men who buy into patriarchal thinking are just as sexist as their straight counterparts.
- Self-loving black men do not fear being gay.
- Often when family members foolishly indulge in homophobic jokes and verbal gay-bashing, they assume that the gay person is a stranger, someone out there whom they will never know.
- Patriarchal homophobic thinking has led many black people to see the AIDS virus as punishment for wrongdoing. Such thinking is rooted in hate.
- Without an open, compassionate response to homosexuality, black folks will never be able to cope with HIV-related disease and AIDS in our communities, or understand why black women are disproportionately represented among the sick and dying.
- Recognizing the love healthy gay males and females offer each other and us all is vital to loving blackness. It allows us to establish communities where no one is excluded or discriminated against. It enable us to value one another rightly, to appreciate our preference, and to let love guide us to the place where we are made one body in love.


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