- Unconditional lovers of the human spirit, angels were there to help us face reality without fear.
- John Sanford, <<The Man Who Wrestled with God>> : "The fact that Jacob could fall in love at all shows that a certain amount of psychological growth had taken place in him during his journey through the wilderness. So far the only woman in his life had been his mother. As long as a man remains in a state of psychological development in which his mother is the most important woman to him, he cannot mature as a man. A man's eros, his capacity for love and relateness, must be freed from attachment to the mother, and able to reach out to a woman who is his contemporary; otherwise he remains a demanding, dependent, childish person."
- Genuine love requires a recognition of the autonomy of ourselves and the other person, a man who has loved in childhood has already learned healthy practices of individuation.
- Many of us believe our difficulties will end when we find a soul mate. Love does not lead to an end to difficulties, it provides us with the means to cope with our difficulties in ways that enhance our growth.
- In that calmness we begin to understand that peace is not the opposite of challenge and hardship. We understand that the presence of light is not a result of darkness ending. Peace is found not in the absence of challenge but in our own capacity to be with hardship without judgement, prejudice, and resistance. We discover that we have the energy and the faith to heal ourselves, and the world, through an openheartedness in this movement.
- Woundedness is not a cause for shame, it is necessary for spiritual growth and awakening. To be wounded could be a blessing.
- Gershen Kaufman and Lev Raphael, <<Coming Out of Shame>> : "Shame is the most disturbing emotion we ever experience directly about ourselves, for in the moment of shame we feel deeply divided from ourselves. Shame is like a wound made by an unseen hand, in response to defeat, failure or rejection. At the same moment that we feel most disconnected, we long to embrace ourselves once more, to feel reunited. Shame divides us from ourselves, just as it divides us from others, and because we still yearn of reunion, shame is deeply disturbing."
- Shame about woundedness keeps many people from seeking healing. They would rather deny or repress the reality of hurt. As long as we feel shame, we can never believe ourselves worthy love.
- Alice Miller, <<Banished Knowledge: Facing Childhood Injuries>> : "Not to take one's own suffering seriously, to make light of it or even to laugh at it, is considered good manners in our culture. This attitude is even called a virtue and many people are proud of their lack of sensitivity toward their own fate and above all toward their own childhood."
- All individuals who are genuinely seeking well-being within a healing context realize that it is important to that process not to make being a victim a stance of pride or a location from which simply blame others.
- Addressing woundedness is not about blaming others; however, it does allow individuals who have been, and are, hurt to insist on accountability and responsibility both from themselves and from those who were the agents of their suffering as well as those who bore witness.
- Embracing our wound is the way to heal.
- As we turn toward the specific shadows in our own lives with an open heart and a clear and focused mind, we cease resisting and begin to understand and to heal. In order to do this, we must learn to feel deeply, not so much opening our eyes as opening the inner sense of the mind and the heart.
- Everything terrible is really something helpless that wants help from us.
- Like many earthly angels who visit us and touch our lives with their visionary power and healing wisdom. Gifts of love and compassion freely given.
- Often we look at events retrospectively and can trace a pattern, one that allows us to intuitively recognize the presence of an unseen spirit guiding and directing our path.
- Understanding all the ways fear stands in the way of our knowing love challenges us.
- Fearful that believing in love's truths and letting them guide our lives will lead to further betrayal, we hold back from love when our hearts are full of longing.
- Being loving does not mean we will not be betrayed. Love helps us face betrayal without losing heart. And it renews our spirit so we can love again.
- When angels speak of love they tell us it is only by loving that we enter an earthly paradise. They tell us paradise is our home and love our true destiny.
- Feb 03 Thu 2022 18:07
[All about Love], bell books - Chap 13 : Destiny: When Angels Speak of Love