Visualize data distributions
- Histogram
- Box
Histograms for a single dimensions : modified bar chart
- Sorted bar chart
- Histogram : Distribution
Box plots for multiple dimensions
- multiple histogram
- Box plots
Visualize data composition
- Not to do such pie charts, too many segments
- Better example
- multiple pie charts
- bettter way : use 100% bar chart
Improve the use of pie charts : pie charts have been abused
- difficult to compare the precise ratio
Stacked bar charts
- Line chart can see the indivisual values
100% stacked bar chart
- percentage line chart : wins in the way
Stacked area chart/100% stacked area chart :
- interested in percentage breakdown
Visualize geographic data : no standard usage
- because area is limited by the true geography, it's hard to judge the vlaue
- use size and color plots
- Each method has pros and cons
- Feb 25 Thu 2021 20:20
[Data Visualization] Data Visualization Tips and Tricks - II