Sketches and wireframes
1. Speed
2. Flexibility
3. Scale
4. Body-mind connection
Define your narrative
Make everything relatable
Illustration and icongraphy : essential
Position, size, color, contrast, and shape
The Importance of Scale
1. Chart type
2. Avoid Bias
Legend and sources
- Not just image
- Don't rush it
The Right Paradigm : Basic charts
The Right Paradigm : Alternative Charts
- Box Plots : good for showing market data, like stock price
- Hearmap : easy to see the trend
- Radar spider chart : better for one variable, not all
- Parallel : easy to see the trend, and relatives
- Scatter
The Right Paradigm : Hierarchical data
The right paradigm : Maps
- Google Maps
- Five standard ways to show data on maps
1. Markers
2. Layers
3. Chloropleth
4. Heat map : show the concentration
5. Flows
The right paradigm : Creativity and Innovation
Challenge : Improving the "Perfect Report"
Introducing motion
1. Transitions
2. Interaction Feedback
3. Draw the eye
4. Change over time
When to go interactive
- Always? Wrong!
How to think interactively
1. thinking interactively : don't think interactively
Find the right technology
- Feb 21 Sun 2021 09:27
[Data Visualization] Learning Data Visualization - Big Idea/Information Hierarchy