


- No one speaks about the topic of black people and love without addressing issues of low self-esteem and self-hatred.
- Whether the issue is a painful color caste system in black life or violent actions used by whites against blacks (denigrating, speech, physical aggression, or dehumanizing representation), every day all black people encounter (as does everyone else) some expression of hatred toward blackness, whether we recognize it or not.
  - Everyone tends to ignore constant covert expressions - a denigrating remark made by a seemingly friendly person, a stereotypically racist representation in a magazine or on a billboard.
  - All these incidents are expressions of white supremacist thinking and action in daily life and the hatred of blackness that it condones and perpetuates.
- "White supremacy" is a much more useful term than "racism" because it allows us both to hold nonblack folks accountable for acts of covert and overt racial aggression and to look at the challenge the ways black people internalize white supremacist thought and action.
  - Tragically, most black folks first experience racist wounding in our own homes when our worth is judged at birth by the color of our skin or by the texture of our hair.
- White supremacist insistence that black people were lazy and unwilling to work hard was not internalized by black folks because their experietial knowledge countered this assumption.
- White supremacist practices of breeding through rape of black women by white masters produced mixed-race offspring whose skin color and facial features were often radically different from the black norm.
  - To understand the color caste system and its impact on black life, we have to acknowledge the link between patriarchal abuse of black women's bodies and the overvaluation of fair skin.
- Combining racist and sexist attitudes, individual white men showed favor toward the lighter-skinned breed of black folks that came into being as a result of their sexual assault of black women's bodies.
  - Whereas racist sexist iconography had deemed the darker-skinned black woman ugly and monstrous, a new standard of evaluation came into being to judge the value of fair-skinned females.
  - Aesthetic eroticization of the lighter-skinned black female gave her higher status than that of darker females, creating a sordid context for competition and envy that extended far beyond slavery.
- Just as the dehumanization via objectification of enslaved black women's bodies was spearheaded by patriarchal white males, enslaved black males who embraced patriarchal thinking began to value lighter-skinned women over their darker counterparts.
  - As the object of white male desire, the lighter-skinned female was perceived as a creature the white male could subjugate at will.
- Teaching black folks to hate dark skin was one way to ensure that whether white oppressors were present or not, the values of white supremacy would still rule the day.
- Heterosexual black males' lust for fair-skinned mates created a climate of hostile competition between black females of all skin colors.
- Children degrade each other on the basis of skin color because they learn from adults that this is acceptable.
  - It wounds the child's spirit, no matter their skin color.
- No matter the color of a filmmaker's skin, in movies and videos today dark-skinned black women are not likely to be cast in any role except that of demonic black bitch.
  - In Scary Movie, a film made by black filmmakers, the black female character is depicted as hateful; ultimately she is brutally murdered by a group of white folks.
- Racial integration soon became a space where heightened levels of racial humiliation and shaming took place. Shame makes self-acceptance and self-love impossible.
- A pedagogy of racial hatred comes to us every day by way of the mass media. The images we see of black people are more often than not degrading and dehumanizing.
  - No one urges mass boycott of films portraying black males as brutal rapists and murderers.
  - No one acts as though the black actors who eagerly take roles that depict black people as being irrational, immoral, and lacking in basic intelligence are perpetuating white supremacy.
- These images not only teach black folks and everyone else that black people are hateful and unworthy of love, they teach white folks to fear black aggression.
  - This fear allows white folks to feel justified when they treat black people in dehumanizing ways in daily life.
- To end white supremacy we must create the conditions not only for black people to love blackness but for everyone else to love blackness.
  - Loving blackness as political resistance transforms our ways of looking and being, and thus creates the conditions necessary for us to move against the forces of domination and death and reclaim black life.
  - Loving blackness is more important than gaining access to material privilege.
- Being rich was not a virtue, that it was more virtuous to love one's neighbor and to share resources, that greed was a sin.
- The mass media, which had for the most part ignored the poor, showing us mostly the fictional lifestyles of the rich, began to tell everyone that to be poor was to be nothing.
  - It helped create a social climate in poor and destitute black communities where individuals were willing to rob, beat, and kill one another for material items.
  - It helped lay the groundwork for the acceptance of a drug-based, capitalist, dog-eat-dog culture in poor communities where non-market values like sharing resources and neighborliness, which were once the norm, have been ridiculed, mocked, and all but erased.
  - It also laid the groundwork for unprecedented levels of petty envy and hostility in communities where folks had once been bonded by respect for shared circumstances rooted in hardship.
- When poor and destitute people of any race are made to feel that they really have no right to exist because they lack the material goods that give life meaning, it is this immoral climate that sets the stage for widespread addiction.
- In recent years, when poverty has been depicted as a crime against humanity, poor peolple of all races have been seen as criminals and treated accordingly.
  - It creates depression, despair, and the dangerous life-threatening nihilism black leaders talk about. It lays the emotional groundwork for widespread addiction.
- One can be poor and still be self-loving.
  - Just as material privilege will not ensure that any of us will be self-loving, poverty does not create low self-esteem and self-hatred.
  - Until black people of all classes are willing to challenge negative attitudes toward the poor, greed will continue to be the force that ravishes all our diverse communities.
- Greed is sanctioned by those at the top of our class hierarchies and trickles down. The rich who condone exploitation, murder, and slavery in order to satisfy material longings.
  - Greed manufactures hate.
- Valuing ourselves rightly means we understand love to be the only foundation of being that will sustain us in both times of lack and times of plenty.


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