You need few words to tell stories.
- Beauty != Good Story
- Not art telling
- How to make connections between visuals and words?
Useful Tips
1. Know that what you say and what you show are not the only story
2. Help the audience make a connection
3. Help the audience find some meanings
Spin a yarn
- 5 Threads
1. Stimulate curiosity
2. Relate with analogies
3. Use "you" or "your"
4. Ask interesting questions
5. Don't be too serious
- Another thread : build upon a relatable experience
Weave a story together
- 5 Story Helpers
1. Anecdotes : most useful
- show relevant
2. Case studies
3. Examples : when trying to justify some part of your larger story
4. Scenarios : not widely used
- At the start of your story
- help audience think about key questions
5. Vignettes
Story Structure
- The conflict is where you draw in your audience.
- You don't want to spend too much time talking about all the experiments
- only to simulate curiosity
Introduce the plot
7 Plots
1. Overcoming the monster
2. Rags to riches
3. The quest
4. Voyage and return : post-mortem
5. Comedy
6. Tragedy
7. Rebirth
Present conflict
- people often think tales connect to success
- See you data can tell different stories
- Best way to present your data
- What do we do about it?
Define details
- You can use these details to draw people in. It helps them create a mental image as they listen.
- Getting people involved in studies without needles was the best way to increase number of participants.
- Use little details to make audience feel struggles
Reporting isn't telling
- The storytelling session is not the right place to just present the data
- Powerful Anecdotes
1. Encourage audience participation
2. Promote questions
Know your audience
- Warming the room
- 5 types of audiences
1. Observers : keep stories interesting
2. Gatekeepers : Look inside
3. Managers : use examples to show how departments work together
4. Experts : Ask details
5. Executives : How do you see the impacts of this?
Believe what you say
- If you don't convince yourself that your story is interesting, you cannot convince your audience.
Work with data
- A story has a plot, characters, and conflict.
- Imagine that you get an unlocked smartphone in the airport, will you only read the data inside?
Introduce visuals
- Telling a story : connect you audience to a larger meaning
- Simplify visuals
Eliminate Distractions : Simple and Focus
- Strip away anything that doesn't enhance the story.
Metaphors : connect something you know to something you don't know
Set a vision
- Contrasts are the ability to separate the current context with a vision for future.
- EVA : Engagement, Vision, Authenticity
Motivate the audience
1. Know your audience
2. Create an emotional connection
3. Provide some context
4. Make your audience care
5. Use metaphors
6. Use a clear contrast
7. Create a clear call to aciton
Avoid pitfalls
- Your audience need the meaning behind the data.
Course : LINK
- Feb 16 Tue 2021 08:23
[Data Visualization] Learning Data Science : Tell stories with Data