
Why You Need to Think Strategically
  1. Take the time to know your company's strategy and priority.
    - Am I doing the right work?
    - Does it support the important roles?
  2.  Become a habit to think broadly
  - You have valuable perspective to contribute. Be patient and stick with it.

4 ways to Improve Your Strategic Thinking Skills
  - What specific steps can you take to be more strategic in your current role?
  - Start by changin you mindset. It can, and must, happen at every level of the organization.
  1. Know : Observe and Seek Trends
    - Make it a routine exercise to explore and synthesize the internal trends in your day-to-day work.
    - Be proactive about connecting with peers both in your organization and in your industry to understand their observations of the marketplace.
    - Understand the unique information and perspective that your function provides and define its impact on the corporate level strategy.
  2. Think: Ask the Tough Questions
    - Practice using strategic thinking by asking yourself, “How do I broaden what I consider?
  3. Speak: Sound Strategic
    - Add more structure to your written and verbal communication. Group and logically order your main points, and keep things as succinct as possible.
    - Prime your audience by giving them a heads up on the overarching topics you want to address so they are prepared to engage in a higher level conversation, not just the tactical details.
    - Practice giving the answer first, instead of building up to your main point.
  4. Act: Make Time for Thinking and Embrace Conflict

Strengthen Your Strategic Thinking Muscles
  - Being more strategic doesn’t mean making decisions that affect the whole organization or allocating scarce budget dollars. It requires only that you put the smallest decision in the context of the organization’s broader goals.
  - If you’re not being seen as enough of a strategic thinker, my guess is that it’s because you’re so busy. What percentage of your workweek is spent in meetings? How much of the time left over is a mad dash to respond to emails, make phone calls, and do some actual work? Is there anything left? Under the guise of productivity, you have probably squeezed out thinking time. 
  - it’s critically important to make time to reflect before making decisions.
  - Focusing too narrowly restricts your chance to be strategic. Strategic people create connections between ideas, plans, and people that others fail to see.
  - Strategic people see the world as a web of interconnected ideas and people and they find opportunities to advance their interests at those connection points.
  - That necessitates the ability and willingness to make choices
  - You will be seen as more strategic if you take action and course-correct than if you choose to stagnate and doing nothing or stall from trying to do everything.
  - By investing time and energy to reflect on the situations and decisions that face you; by finding ways to connect ideas and people that you had never linked before; and by having the courage to make choices about what you will do and what you won’t, you will greatly increase your strategic contribution.

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